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Where Winners Congregate

Mentorship for Ambitious High School Students

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HOW To High School Program

Learn study skills that lead to lasting results. Build habits that give you an edge over your competition.

At Conquer School

We deeply honour students who work hard, have big goals, are ambitious, and take massive action.


We teach the purpose of high school so students understand what they are spending four years of their lives on and how they can use this time to their advantage, stand out among their peers, and start working towards their future careers and goals. 


We don’t sugar-coat or handhold. 


We challenge students, tell them when they need to step up, and hold them accountable to implementing what they learn. There are consequences for not meeting the requirements, and there are advantages to going above and beyond. This is reflected in our team as well as in our services. 

Meet Conquer School's Graduates


About Us

Our Vision

Conquer School’s vision is to build the foundation for good.


Our Mission

Conquer School’s mission is develop self-reliant and competent youth that are capable of utilizing their skills and talents to make a significant impact on our communities.


Our Team & Values

Hard work, independence, discipline, diligence... We value individuals who understand the true purpose of school and the importance of being a contributing member of society.

3 Stages of
Conquer School's Mentorship




Cultivate the champion mindset

School is the practice ground for real life. How can you expect to become a doctor or a lawyer or manage a business if you cannot even complete your math homework consistently?


It is crucial to understand WHY you are spending over 1000 hours a year in the classroom. The purpose of education is to develop good human beings that are driven to reach their full potential.


The mindset of a champion involves continually choosing to do better than you already are, and accepting what needs to be done to accomplish your goals, short- and long-term.

Establish peak productivity

It’s not just about getting by, meeting the word count—the quality of your work matters as well. This stage involves implementing good study strategies or practice habits and developing goals within these tasks in addition to the desired final result. Your habits in life (beyond academics) influence your efficiency and outcomes.

Master the subject matter

Once you have the Champion Mindset and the strategies to achieve your goals, all there is left to do is apply them to a subject! You will learn the three different kinds of subjects and how to approach them appropriately.


You will be:
Held accountable
Taught the principles of responsibility
Taught successful study strategies
Taught effective study habits

Our Goals

Grow self-reliant and responsible individuals.

Develop good human beings that will deliver value to other peoples’ lives in the future.

Goal setting.

Plan creation.


Image by Ekaterina Novitskaya
Image by Ekaterina Novitskaya
"Andriy has helped me in many ways not only when it comes to applying academics and math but also to value things in life differently. Andriy helped me understand the deeper part of why I am doing what I am, and what my purpose is. He has also taught me how to evaluate myself as a person to create better opportunities and strike through problems that may occur. Overall he has changed my perspective on high school and life itself which really helps."



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